News & Updates
West Michigan Bowhunters Helped Support “Raised at Full Draw” Campers Again in 2024
For several years now West Michigan Bowhunters has supported the Raised at Full Draw camp by sponsoring campers and purchasing equipment. This year we sponsored four campers. Raised at Full Draw was founded with a goal to help reduce the rate at which hunters...
School and Medical Supplies are Delivered to South Africa
West Michigan Bowhunters’ members Scott and Kari Overweg, along with John and Karen Koetje took a trip to South Africa in July 2023, where they took a day off from hunting to deliver SafariCare Bell Family Blue Bags filled with school and medical supplies. “We brought...
World Hunting Celebration Comes To Nashville
Article by Forbes If there’s a Super Bowl of the hunting world, it’s the annual Safari Club International convention. SCI is comprised of more than 50,000 members with 180 local chapters and affiliates across the globe. Come February 22, tens of thousands of hunters,...
Detroit woman says gender, race and age won’t stop her from learning to hunt
An avid archer in her early 60s, Kathryn Lynch Underwood had never aimed at a live target and had zero interest in ever doing so. She didn’t have any plans to buy a hunting license, either. But that all changed last year. Underwood’s journey to hunting began long...
Introducing the 2022 deer management cooperator patch – and where to get one
Hunters who want a patch to commemorate the deer season can purchase one online at, or from the DNR Hunt Fish mobile app, for $8 while supplies last. This is an option that has been requested over the years, particularly by hunters who had to travel longer distances to get to a deer check station.
Enjoy Free Fishing Weekend!
Two days twice a year, families and friends can enjoy one of Michigan’s premier outdoor activities, Michigan Fishing, for FREE!
Hunter Safety Courses Up and Running
Hunting is a time-honored tradition here in Michigan. With over eight massively popular seasons, the Great Lake State is a premier hunting ground. Safety is a responsibility of every Hunter. That is why the Michigan DNR offers a number of safety classes related to...
Michigan Fishing Tournaments
With spring finally arriving in the great state of Michigan, it is time to welcome a series of exciting fishing events. Across the state, the Michigan DNR will be facilitating public fishing tournaments. Each tournament is unique in its location, availability and...
Jannie Otto Safaris - African Plains Game Hunt / Photographic Safari Combo: Jannie Otto has donated a plains game hunt which will take place near Bloemfontein, South Africa. The photographic portion will be conducted in Kruger National Park, South Africa. This will be...
The West Michigan Bowhunters Chapter: ls donating a Lifetime Chapter Membership and 6 seats at the WMB table for the 2023 SCI National Convention in Nashville, TN. Membership Value: $300 Table Seats Value: $1,200
Member Bonus
All members of the West MI Bowhunters – SCI Chapter receive a free membership to the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) as part of their annual dues. MUCC is the largest and strongest lobbying group in Michigan for outdoor enthusiasts. MUCC represents over 250 affiliate clubs and more than 40,000 sportsmen and women.
West MI Bowhunters will submit your information to MUCC for membership. Once enrolled with MUCC, you will receive regular monthly ‘Conservation Insider’ updates via email. You will also be able to log onto the MUCC website, set up a personal account, and access digital copies of its quarterly Michigan Out-of-Doors Magazine.