News & Updates

Grayling Are Poised For A Comeback In Michigan
For Ed Eisch, the ongoing effort to reintroduce the grayling to northern Michigan streams is nothing less than an opportunity to right what he considers a historical wrong. After all, the fish’s demise in Michigan more than a century ago was caused by both unchecked...

How Kids Can Learn About The Great Outdoors Without Leaving The House
Looking for something to entertain the kids while they are cooped up indoors? There is an innovative program in which Michigan school children can learn about the outdoors while staying safe at home. DNR education services manger Kevin Fraley spoke to Tati Amare about...

The Importance Of Conservation For The Diversity Of Our Birds
We all play a role in conserving Michigan’s great outdoors, we can see the reward of that conservation in the diversity of birds visiting Michigan in the winter. Stephanie Beilke is a conservation science manager at Audubon Great Lakes who spoke with WOOD-TV to share...

Michigan Marks Century Of Conserving And Protecting State’s Waters, Woods And Wildlife
One hundred years ago, the Michigan Department of Conservation — now the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) — embarked on a mission to conserve, protect and manage Michigan’s great outdoors. The 100th year is a true milestone and testament to the dedication of the...

Lion’s Ragnow Reels in Tasty Fish Tacos
When Detroit Lions All-Pro Frank Ragnow isn’t on the gridiron, you’ll probably catch him fishing on the Detroit River or Lake St. Clair. A Minnesota native and lifelong angler, Ragnow said he loves fishing in Michigan. “I love fighting the fish. I love the adventure....

Major Surge in New Hunters This Deer Hunting Season
Orginally published on Michigan has seen a 95% increase in new hunters since March – the biggest jump in at least 20 years and a COVID-era trend that likely means tens of thousands more hunters will head to the woods when firearm deer season opens...

SCI And Sporting Classics Launch Let’s Talk Hunting Video Series
SCI and Sporting Classics TV have teamed up on a new project to highlight the role hunting has played in shaping the outlook and attitudes of some of the most recognizable members of the hunting community. Throughout the series, some of Chris Dorsey’s most...
National Archery in the Schools Program
We are giving $1,000 to Allendale High School to start a National Archery Schools Program.

Thank You Veterans
With the help of Safari Club International, West Michigan Chapter, we were able to pull off a bear hunt for two US Army Veterans this past week. These two vets served terms in the Middle East, it is amazing what men and women in the armed forces do for our freedoms....
Member Bonus
All members of the West MI Bowhunters – SCI Chapter receive a free membership to the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) as part of their annual dues. MUCC is the largest and strongest lobbying group in Michigan for outdoor enthusiasts. MUCC represents over 250 affiliate clubs and more than 40,000 sportsmen and women.
West MI Bowhunters will submit your information to MUCC for membership. Once enrolled with MUCC, you will receive regular monthly ‘Conservation Insider’ updates via email. You will also be able to log onto the MUCC website, set up a personal account, and access digital copies of its quarterly Michigan Out-of-Doors Magazine.
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