With the help of Safari Club International, West Michigan Chapter, we were able to pull off a bear hunt for two US Army Veterans this past week. These two vets served terms in the Middle East, it is amazing what men and women in the armed forces do for our freedoms. Thank you SCI for helping us put such a hunt together. Tony and Chris both are taking home their trophy bear today. Thanks guys for all you have done and the people who are still keeping North America free.
Bear hunts here in NW Ontario are going strong right now with great reports of high number of animals. Patient hunters can expect to see multiple animals and have several opportunities in a 6 or 7 day hunt. Even though blue berries seem to be low this year the bear are finding enough to put their fat on for the winter months ahead. We had five hunters in camp this week and all five shot a bear. The animals looked very healthy with beautiful coats.